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2012 Senate Bill 6122: Concerning unattended pet animals with a choke chain
Introduced by Sen. Mike Carrell (Lakewood) (R) on January 11, 2012
Provides that the act of leaving any pet animal with a choke chain unattended for more than a minimal (“de minimis”) period of time by licensed veterinarians or animal massage practitioners shall constitute prima facie evidence of a willful or reckless act punishable as a misdemeanor in addition to afine of up to five thousand dollars.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee on January 11, 2012
Substitute offered in the Senate on February 3, 2012
Adds the type of person caring or treating a pet is added. The requirement for willfulness or recklessness is removed. The time period the pet must be left alone is removed.
The substitute passed by voice vote in the Senate on February 3, 2012
Referred to the House Rules Committee on February 11, 2012