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2003 Senate Bill 5161
Introduced by Sen. Mike Hewitt (Walla Walla) (R) on January 16, 2003
To repeal ergonomics rules concerning musculoskeletal disorders and prevent the adoption of any similar rules unless they are required by congress or the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Ergonomics rules are expected to cost businesses up to $700 million in the first year of implementation. That is equivalent to a 37 percent B&O tax increase. See also Companion SB 5015.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Commerce and Trade Committee on January 16, 2003
Testimony in support offered in the Senate on January 29, 2003
By Amber Balch, AWB; Tim O'Connell, Stoel Rives, LLP; Ed Danzer, Danzco; John Cedergreen, WA Food Processors Council; Stan Bigos; Curt Anderson, NFIB-ACCA; George Madsen, Madsen Roofing, Inc.; Dick Mettler, NW Wall & Ceiling Contractors Assn. They testified L&I doesn't have statutory authority for these rules, and the cost/benefit analysis used by L&I is flawed. The rules will force jobs and businesses to leave the state. Employers should not be required to comply with untested, and unique rules, especially when there is disagreement among experts in the subject, and there is the possibility of inconsistent application.
Testimony in opposition offered in the Senate on January 29, 2003
By Dr. Michael Silverstein, L&I; Randy Loomans, WSLC; Owen Linch, Teamsters; Blaine Sherfinski, UCFW Local 367; Greg Devereux, WFSE; Linda Lanham, IAM; Greg Fisher, UFCW Local 1105; Ellie Menzies, SEIU; Jerrie Wood, CWA State Council. They testified that the rules advance the goal of preventing injury, create a safer workplace, increase productivity, and will have a positive affect on worker compensation premium rates. The rules provide uniform standards, which have been reviewed by a "Blue Ribbon Panel," and won't cost as much as opponents' studies estimate.
Referred to the Senate Rules Committee on January 30, 2003
Amendment offered by Sen. James Hargrove (Hoquiam) (D) and Sen. Mike Hewitt (Walla Walla) (R) on February 18, 2003
To provide that the ergonomics rules will be considered voluntary guidelines.
The amendment passed 28 to 21 in the Senate on February 18, 2003.
    See Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No".
Amendment offered by Sen. Mark Doumit (D) and Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on February 18, 2003
To establish programs within the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) to promote ergonomic education, provide assistance to businesses, and establish an Ergonomics Review Board.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the Senate on February 18, 2003
To repeal ergonomics rules concerning musculoskeletal disorders.
Received in the House on February 20, 2003
Motion in the House on February 21, 2003
To bring the bill directly to the House floor, where it may receive a vote by the House. If this motion would have passed, the House would have been able to vote on SB 5161 to repeal ergonomics rules. Since the motion failed, SB 5161 is now in the House Commerce & Labor Committee.
The motion failed 44 to 51 in the House on February 21, 2003.
    See Who Voted "Yes" and Who Voted "No".
Referred to the House Commerce & Labor Committee on February 21, 2003
The bill did not pass both chambers during the 2003 regular session, so the bill automatically returned to the Senate Rules Committee when the regular 105-day session adjourned on April 27, 2003.