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2003 House Bill 1538
Introduced by Sen. Mark Schoesler (Ritzville) (R) on January 28, 2003
To amend the definition of "annual consumptive quantity." With this bill, the annual consumptive quantity means the estimated or actual annual amount of water diverted or withdrawn pursuant to the water right, reduced by the estimated annual amount of return flows, during the year of greatest use within the most recent 15-year period of continuous beneficial use. The bill addresses other aspects of an annual consumptive quantity water right, the application process to change or transfer a water right, water storage facilities, sufficient cause for non-use of a water right, and other water right issues.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee on January 29, 2003
But the bill did not receive a hearing by the cutoff date so it is considered a “dead bill” (although technically the bill could become active at any time during the 2003-2004 session).