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2011 House Bill 1018: Defining mutual responsibilities for bicyclists and motorists
Introduced by Rep. Jamie Pedersen (Seattle) (D) on January 10, 2011
Requires bicyclists to yield to pedestrians on sidewalks, crosswalks or multiuse trails. This act would also require bicyclists travelling at less than the legal and normal speed of traffic on roadways to make use of road shoulders and bicycle lanes, and when not available, to travel as far to the right, or left when appropriate, of the roadway as practicable. Motorists must travel alongside and pass bicyclists at a safe distance, maintaining a lateral separation of three feet. Motorists must exercise due care to avoid collisions with bicyclists, including sounding their horn or giving an appropriate verbal warning. (Companion: SB 5193).   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the House Transportation Committee on January 10, 2011