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2003 Senate Bill 5178
Introduced by Sen. Mike Hewitt (Walla Walla) (R) on January 16, 2003
To create the Legislative International Trade Account. All moneys received from gifts, grants, and endowments for international trade hosting and missions activities must be deposited in the account. Only private, nonpublic gifts, grants, and endowments may be deposited in the account. Expenditures from the account may be used only for the purposes of international trade hosting and trade mission activities in which members of the Senate and House of Representatives participate in an official capacity. See also Companion House Bill 1167.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Commerce and Trade Committee on January 17, 2003
Testimony in support offered in the Senate on January 29, 2003
By Lt. Governor Brad Owen. He testified that it is customary for the Lieutenant Governor to exchange host gifts with trade mission contacts and visiting dignitaries. Currently, the Lieutenant Governor uses a host fund from the ports and funds from his own office to pay for these host gifts; however, these funds are limited.
Testimony against: none offered.
Substitute offered to the Senate Commerce and Trade Committee on January 30, 2003
To stipulate that instead of being exempt from the entire ethics chapter when soliciting funds for the account, the Lieutenant Governor, state officers and state employees are presumed not to be in violation of the solicitation and gift provisions of ethics laws.
The substitute passed by voice vote in the Senate on January 30, 2003
Referred to the Senate Rules Committee on January 30, 2003
Amendment offered by Sen. Karen Fraser (Olympia) (D), Sen. Mike Hewitt (Walla Walla) (R) and Sen. Betti Sheldon (D) on March 10, 2003
To clarify that the legislative international trade account applies only to moneys received by the president of the senate, and not to moneys received by other state agencies. The moneys in the account may not be expended for travel costs.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the Senate on March 10, 2003
To create the Legislative International Trade Account for the purposes of international trade hosting and trade mission activities in which members of the Senate and House of Representatives participate in an official capacity.
Received in the House on March 11, 2003
Referred to the House Economic Development, Agriculture and Trade Committee on March 11, 2003
Amendment offered in the House on April 3, 2003
To allow the Secretary of State to receive gifts, grants, and endowments for the Legislative International Trade Account as well as allows the Secretary of State to be reimbursed from the account for qualified expenditures.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the House on April 3, 2003
Referred to the House Appropriations Committee on April 3, 2003
Amendment offered to the House Appropriations Committee on April 21, 2003
To allow the Secretary of State to accept gifts, grants, and endowments for the Legislative International Trade Account, and allows the Secretary of State to be reimbursed from the account for qualified expenses. Donations to the account are limited to $5,000 per person per calendar year. Funds may also be used for international relations activities. Final approval of expenditures from the account must come from the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, the Secretary of the Senate, and the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate must produce an annual report of the account activities, including a list of receipts and expenditures.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the House on April 21, 2003
The Senate unanimously concurred with the House amendments.
Signed by Gov. Gary Locke on May 14, 2003
(legislative international trade account).