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2003 Senate Bill 5150
Introduced by Sen. Don Benton (Vancouver) (R) on January 15, 2003
To stipulate the way library trustees are elected. See also Companion House Bill 1417.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on January 15, 2003
Testimony in support offered to the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on February 20, 2003
By Heidi Borton; Edna J. Fund; Gene W. Weaver; Ken Bragg; and Margaret Tweet, SAFE. They testified that there is a public outcry about unresponsive library boards. The citizens are frustrated. There is no fiscal accountability under the current appointed board system. The salaries of library directors making $116,000 per year shows the lack of fiscal accountability. The cost of the election should not dictate the decision. The total lack of responsiveness by trustees is shown in their ignoring petitions and incidents in the library.
Testimony in opposition offered to the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on February 20, 2003
By Mark Nessy and Larry O'Donnell, Trustees, Everett Library; Thelma Kruse, Timberland Regional Library; Amory Peck, Whatcom County Library District. The current system works. Adding another layer of voting is cumbersome, awkward, and expensive. The current system allows for balance of age and gender on the board. The bill would actually hurt library governance. Representation would favor populated areas. The budget process already is public and completely visible and the elected officials already do determine what money goes to the library.
Substitute offered to the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on February 20, 2003
To eliminate the legislative requirement that trustees are elected. The question of whether to elect trustees may be put to the voters.
The substitute passed by voice vote in the Senate on February 20, 2003
Referred to the Senate Rules Committee on February 20, 2003
Amendment offered by Sen. Don Benton (Vancouver) (R), Sen. James Hargrove (Hoquiam) (D) and Sen. Jim Kastama, (D-Puyallup) (D) on March 18, 2003
To provide several ways to remove a library trustee. The original bill states removal is only by a vote of the local legislative body.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the Senate on March 18, 2003
Regarding library trustee elections.
Received to the House on March 20, 2003
Referred to the House Local Committee on March 20, 2003
The bill did not pass both chambers during the 2003 regular session, so the bill automatically returned to the Senate Rules Committee when the regular 105-day session adjourned on April 27, 2003.
Received in the Senate on January 12, 2004
And active in the 2004 legislative session.
Referred to the House Local Committee on February 14, 2004