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2006 House Bill 2418: Using real estate excise tax dollars to subsidize housing
Introduced by Rep. Larry Springer (Kirkland) (D) on January 3, 2006
To dedicate 3.039% of real estate excise tax collections to the Washington Housing Trust fund. The funds will be distributed to qualified applicants seeking assistance in purchasing housing. The bill has an emergency clause.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the House Housing Committee on January 9, 2006
Substitute offered to the House Housing Committee on January 19, 2006
To make a one-time provision of $4.5 million to the Energy Matchmakers Program for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007. The appropriation for the Housing Trust Fund backlog set-aside is reduced by $4.5 million for Fiscal Year 2007 to accommodate that change. 2 additional set-asides are created that apply to Fiscal Years 2007-2009. Of the total annual appropriation of $25 million, $4 million is provided for rental vouchers for low-income migrant farm workers, seasonal farm workers, or farm workers and $150,000 is provided for a homebuyer program. The Housing Trust Fund backlog set-aside is reduced by a total of $4.15 million each year to accommodate the 2 additions. The language in the provision for farm worker housing projects is changed in the substitute to specifically reference strategically located permanent facilities; temporary facilities, including mobile tent facilities; and a program to assist in financing the development of temporary or permanent on-farm housing units with priority given to grower-provided housing projects. The original bill reference to a "loan program" was removed. The DCTED is required to report upon the accomplishments of this bill annually to the appropriate committees of the Legislature. Information must be provided by county and city. The original bill required the DCTED to report only once during the year 2010, and did not specify that information was to be included specific to counties and cities.
Referred to the House Capital Budget Committee on January 24, 2006
Substitute offered to the House Capital Budget Committee on February 7, 2006
To authorize a transfer of up to $25 million for the Fiscal Year 2006 to the Washington Housing Trust Fund from the General Fund. It exempts 3 programs from the Housing Trust Fund competitive application and distribution process. It makes appropriations from the Washington Housing Trust Account. It creates the Interagency Council on Homelessness. It directs the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (DCTED) to implement the Washington Homeless Client Management Information System to collect information about homelessness and homeless persons. It requires DCTED to study the effectiveness of a potential voluntary low-income housing waiting list database. It requires DCTED to implement a statewide Affordable Housing Database. It includes a null and void clause.
The substitute passed by voice vote in the House on February 11, 2006
Amendment offered by Rep. John Serben (R) on February 8, 2006
To eliminate the intent language regarding an affordable housing crisis and increased revenue for the Real Estate Excise Tax, and eliminate the authorization to transfer $25 million from the general fund to the Washington Housing Trust Fund. H AMD 718.
The amendment failed by voice vote in the House on February 11, 2006
Amendment offered by Rep. Janéa Holmquist (R) on February 10, 2006
To eliminate the requirement that housing-related agencies and nonprofits and local governments annually review housing reporting requirements related to housing programs and services and make recommendations to the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. H AMD 779. The amendment was withdrawn on 2/11/06.
Amendment offered by Rep. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island) (R) on February 10, 2006
To change the term rental voucher to housing voucher, and allows housing vouchers to be used to assist homeless persons and victims of domestic violence, in addition to farm workers. Specifies that housing authorities, other organizations with housing voucher programs, homeless shelters, and domestic violence shelters will administer the housing voucher programs. H AMD 789. The amendment was withdrawn on 2/11/06.
Amendment offered by Rep. Janéa Holmquist (R) on February 11, 2006
To change the term rental voucher to housing voucher, and allow housing vouchers to be used to assist homeless persons, victims of domestic violence, and low-income persons in addition to farm workers. Decreases the backlog appropriation to $8,100,000, and increases the voucher appropriation to $1,500,000. Specifies that housing authorities, other organizations with housing voucher programs, homeless shelters, and domestic violence shelters will administer the housing voucher programs. H AMD 857.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the House on February 11, 2006
Amendment offered by Rep. Lynn Schindler, (R-Spokane) (R) on February 11, 2006
To eliminate the Interagency Council on Homelessness' responsibility to eliminate and adopt policy, and specifies that the council will seek to identify policies and actions that may contribute to homelessness or interfere with its reduction. H AMD 858.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the House on February 11, 2006
To dedicate 3.039% of real estate excise tax collections to the Washington Housing Trust fund.
Received in the Senate on February 14, 2006
Referred to the Senate Financial Institutions, Housing, and Consumer Protection Committee on February 14, 2006
Referred to the Senate Ways & Means Committee on February 16, 2006
Amendment offered to the Senate on February 27, 2006
By the Senate Ways & Means Committee, to delete references to the real estate excise tax; corrects inconsistencies to reflect that funding is optional and is one-time; removes specific reference to how the money should be distributed; adds language that requires data collected is kept confidential in a manner consistent with federal guidelines; and makes a technical correction clarifying that if specific funding is not transferred by June 30, 2006, the bill is null and void.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the Senate on March 3, 2006
To dedicate a portion of real estate excise tax collections to the Washington Housing Trust fund.
Received in the House on March 6, 2006
To concur in Senate amendments, for final passage of the bill.
Signed with partial veto by Gov. Christine Gregoire on March 30, 2006
To dedicate a portion of real estate excise tax collections to the Washington Housing Trust fund. The governor vetoed Sections 9, 10, and 14, because funding in the operating budget is insufficient to provide for all of the activities.