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2006 House Bill 3312: Employment practices and discharge/termination
Introduced by Rep. Maralyn Chase (Shoreline) (D) on February 11, 2006
To establish that a discharge from employment is wrongful if it is not for just cause. To satisfy just cause, the discharge must be based on failure to perform job duties, misconduct, or the success and efficiency of the business. The following conduct will under no circumstances be considered just cause: Exercise of rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; Exercise of other legal rights or civic obligations; Revelation of what the employee in good faith believes to be illegal or unethical conduct by the employer; Good faith refusal to engage in illegal conduct requested by the employer; and misconduct which, by action or inaction, the employer encouraged, condoned, or forgave.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the House Commerce & Labor Committee on February 11, 2006