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2007 Senate Bill 5449: Authorizing voluntary environmental management and incentive zone plans for subareas.
Introduced by Sen. Dan Swecker, (R-Rochester) (R) on January 19, 2007
To allow cities and counties to create management and incentive programs for volunteers to protect the environment. The bill also allocates $1 million to the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development to implement this act.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on January 19, 2007
Substitute offered to the Senate Government Operations and Elections Committee on February 26, 2007
To clarify that the number of pilot planning programs authorized under the bill is reduced from ten to five, and the appropriation is reduced from $1,000,000 to $500,000. The substitute clarifies that cities and counties may provide exceptions or individual waivers to critical area requirements within a subarea, and be given broad deference and discretion, if the plan as a whole includes best available science for the subarea under consideration and provides at least the equivalent protection of critical area function and value. Conservation districts are added as organizations authorized to be a lead management entity and participate in the planning partnership. In ranking the applications for funding a plan under the legislation, CTED can give preference to applications with the greatest potential to use proven monitoring and adaptive management methods to measure the effectiveness of incentives and programs adopted under the planning process. Development policies, rules, and conditions included in the plan may not prohibit uses legally existing on any parcel prior to plan adoption except for those uses restricted or limited through voluntary agreements by landowners included in the plan as permanent or long term commitments. Plans adopted under the legislation must promote voluntary, nonregulatory solutions as a planning priority, rather than the first priority, where they would be effective in substantially meeting the goals and requirements of the GMA.
Referred to the Senate Ways & Means Committee on February 26, 2007