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2011 Senate Bill 5049: Implementing recommendations of the sunshine committee
Introduced by Sen. Adam Kline (Seattle) (D) on January 12, 2011
Implements recommendations of the sunshine committee relating to public inspection and copying of background information records. Examples include allowing car pool participants concerned about personal safety to request that their information not be released to individuals they identify. It also provides that applications for the highest management position in a public agency, county, or local government department with confidential reference information removed or redacted is not exempt from inspection and copying.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Government Operations, Tribal Relations & Elections Committee on January 12, 2011
Substitute offered in the Senate on February 3, 2011
To remove the recommendation related to the attorney-client privilege. The substitute bill also removes language that allows participants in a rideshare program to identify individuals that they do not want their information released to, and provides that a participants name, general location, and email address may be disclosed to other persons who apply for ride-matching services.
Referred to the Senate Rules Committee on February 3, 2011
Substitute offered in the Senate on February 3, 2012
Makes a number of changes to public disclosure and copying of specified records, based on the recommendations of the Sunshine Committee. Adds language to clarify that that identifying information related to a child sexual assault victim includes, but is not limited to, the child's name, address, location or photograph. Information contained in a local or regionally maintained gang database is exempt from public disclosure. The exemption related to medical malpractice closed claims is repealed.
The substitute passed by voice vote in the Senate on February 3, 2012