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2010 House Bill 2826: Modifying provisions for contractor violations.
Introduced by Rep. Steve Conway (South Tacoma) (D) on January 14, 2010
Implements recommendations of the joint legislative task force on the underground economy. Allows a fine imposed against a contractor who fails to register, to be reduced if the contractor registers for a department approved training course within 10 days of being notified about the infraction. The act also requires monetary penalties collected from contractor violations to be deposited into a newly created contractor registration account. (See also SB 6575).   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the House Commerce & Labor Committee on January 14, 2010
Substitute offered in the House on February 2, 2010
Adds provisions creating a class C felony for unregistered contractor activity after a contractor has received a third final infraction for unregistered contractor activity. It also adds a contractor violation for work on a task performed together by contractors when at least one contractor has no covered workers.
The substitute passed by voice vote in the House on February 2, 2010
Referred to the House Ways & Means Committee on February 2, 2010