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2009 House Bill 1189: regarding retail store carryout bags
Introduced by Rep. Maralyn Chase (Shoreline) (D) on January 14, 2009
To stop the use of carryout bags in the state. This act would prohibit a retail store from providing a carryout bag, a bag that is not paper, reusable or compostable, for free or at a cost. This act would also prohibit local governments from enacting local legislation related to the banning or charging of carryout bags.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the House Environmental Health Committee on January 14, 2009
Amendment offered in the House on February 2, 2010
Requires compostable plastic bags to be green in color to distinguish them from non-compostable plastic bags. It also makes the requirement to use compostable plastic, recyclable paper, or reusable carryout bags effective beginning January 1, 2013. Penalties for violations under this law are reduced from a class 1 civil infraction to a class 4 civil infraction.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the House on February 2, 2010
Referred to the House Rules Committee on February 3, 2010